SuperSpeed 380 rpm Motor 75 Watts Energy Efficient Motor 225 cm Strong air delivery
ZZ Sleeve Type Double Ball Bearing for smoother Operation
100% Aluminium Motor Body for long life
1200mm/48inch Sweep
100% Copper Wire Motor for high performance
Long Life Powder Coating for Anti Corrosion
Wobble Free Operations
Noiseless Fan
Silicon Steel Lamination for power saving
Package Dimensions – 217 x 217 x 165 mm Blade Box- 130 x 35 x 535 mm
Premium Ceiling Fan Air Toofaan 75W – Ivory
Out of Stock₹2,300.00
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Staying true to its title, Air Toofaan is designed specially to provide maximum air delivery while also keeping the aesthetics in mind. This model comes in the color range of three – Brown, Ivory & White. The motor body is made up of 100 % aluminum alloy. For better grip and protection, it comes with ZZ sleeve type double ball bearings. The winding provided inside consists of 100% copper wire. It has an air sweep of 1200mm.

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